A woman reborn

As everyone sleeps I creep inside my mind to find some solitude beside the screaming memories and frustrated thoughts. I've exhausted my cabinet with so much thinking and pondering, wondering and waundering to the point where there is no where else to hide but in the confusion. Abusing the fusion of my meloncholy and weary ways with my jolly and cheery days I too get exhausted by the tug of war. So I open my shutter doors and adjust my periphial vision, given the urgency of clarity I fight to make a conscious decision. Those screaming memories will now be silenced by optimism, and the criticism lingering amongst the frustrated thoughts will be thrown out with yesterday's indecision. Even while being lost in my mind I still control my own destiny, in spite of those that expected doubt and negativity to get the best of me. I rise from demise, take notes from the wise and pray for those that despise me. Being God's child makes me indestructible, untouchable and I'll be damned if I'm not lovable. Everything I touch turns to gold and if you haven't been told come here and let me whisper it to you. "When it comes to being true, and that's true to me. One thing I found, one thing I found my Lord will never let me down." I now surround myself with greatness and success and stand clear of the rest, because at this moment in my prime I can't be anything other than the best. "The Lord is my Shephard, I shall not want" but my victory will haunt the lives of those who throw stones at my feet! I can make waves in sewer puddles just to hear my name rumble through the streets. Positivity is my new hustle and I'm making a killing, willing to rebuild without banging and drilling. Quietly approaching the fate that my father has designed on my behalf, praying for all sinners that have crossed my path. I've turned over a new leaf without a growing stem or a thorn. This is the testimony of a Woman Reborn!


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